Timeline - Filter Dataset by Date
2442 items
1968-03-131 p.J. Grudziński, J. Górecki and F. Topolski DismissedLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.We Are With the Nation!; Emigrant Students to Students in the CountryLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.Announcement of the Citizens' Militia from the Caoital City of WarsawLanguage:Polish
1968-03-13101 p.Monitoring of the Polish Radio and TelevisionLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.About a Need of Prudence; Meeting at Technical University of GdańskLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.Appeal of the Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy to the YouthLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.Stupefied Minors Took Apart in the ExcessesLanguage:Polish
1968-03-135 p.Reason Will Be Next to Youth; Against the State and Polish Nation; Warsaw Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy Condemns Ringleaders and Impellers of the ExcessesLanguage:Polish
1968-03-135 p.Society of the Whole Country Condemn the InstigatorsLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.Language:English
1968-03-132 p.Workers of Entire Country Are in Favour of PeaceLanguage:Polish
1968-03-134 p.Working Crews Across the Country Demand Providing Peace in WarsawLanguage:Polish
1968-03-131 p.Dismissals of J. Grudziński, J. Górecki, and F. TopolskiLanguage:Polish